Everything You Need to Know About Bed Bug Bites

All About Bed Bug Bites: Overview

Bed bug bites are a common concern for many homeowners and renters. These small, parasitic insects are attracted to the warmth and clutter in your home, and feed on human blood while you sleep. This leads to itchy welts that can cause a lot of discomfort and anxiety about the situation.

Understanding what these bites look like, how long they last, and how to manage them is crucial for anyone dealing with a potential bed bug infestation.

What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like?

Bed bug bites typically appear as small, red, itchy bumps on the skin. They often occur in clusters or lines of three to five bites. The bites are often flat or slightly raised, measuring about 2-5mm across. Unlike flea bites, which usually appear around ankles, bed bug bites can appear anywhere on the body. These bites commonly appear on exposed areas of skin during sleep, such as:

  • Arms and shoulders

  • Legs and ankles

  • Face and neck

  • Back and chest

What might be anxiety-inducing for some is not knowing exactly if they’re bed bug bites or not. So if you suspect these bugs are the culprits, you should watch for the tell-tale signs they are in your home.

More specifically, if you want to know more about what bed bugs themselves look like, take a look at our article on what bed bugs look like and signs to watch out for here.

What are the Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites?

When you or your family members get bed bug bites, you’ll commonly experience the following symptoms:

  • Raised, red welts

  • Intense itching

  • Burning sensation

  • Mild to moderate swelling

  • Small blisters in some cases

  • Bite marks in straight rows or clusters

Some people may experience no symptoms at all, while others might have severe allergic reactions. Symptoms typically develop within hours to days after being bitten.

Do Bed Bug Bites Itch?

Yes, bed bug bites are typically quite itchy. The itching sensation usually develops within a few hours to days after being bitten and can be intense. This occurs because bed bugs inject an anticoagulant and anesthetic when feeding, which triggers an allergic reaction in most people.

While the urge to scratch can be strong, it's important to resist as scratching can:

  • Lead to skin infections

  • Cause scarring

  • Prolong healing time

  • Increase inflammation

To manage itching, consider using over-the-counter antihistamines or applying calamine lotion to affected areas.

Where are the Most Common Spots for Bed Bug Bites?

Bed bugs typically bite exposed areas of skin during sleep. The most common locations include:

  • Face, neck, shoulders, and back

  • Arms and hands

  • Lower legs and ankles

  • Areas around the waistband

  • Any exposed skin while sleeping

The pattern and location of bites can help distinguish bed bug bites from other insect bites.

What Complications Should I Be Aware Of?

While bed bug bites are generally harmless, potential complications can include:

  • Secondary skin infections from scratching

  • Allergic reactions ranging from mild to severe

  • Scarring from excessive scratching

  • Anxiety and insomnia

  • Mental health impacts due to stress

Seek medical attention if you experience severe allergic reactions or signs of infection. At Advanced Bed Bug Preparation, we understand the anxiety and possible side effects of having a bed bug infestation, and we discuss more about the dangers of bed bugs in our article linked here.

How to Treat Bites

There are several ways that you can treat and relieve the itchiness and discomfort that comes with bed bug bites. Several home treatments, such as cleaning the affected area with soap and water, applying cold compresses to reduce swelling, and using anti-itch creams can help.

In more severe cases, you may need to seek medical treatment.

Related: Common Bed Bug Myths Debunked

How Long Do Bed Bug Bites Last?

Bed bug bites typically last between one to two weeks, though this timeline can vary depending on individual reactions. Some people may see their bites resolve within a few days, while others might experience symptoms for up to three weeks.

Factors affecting healing time include the individual’s immune response, the severity of the reaction, whether the area is scratched, and if any treatments are applied to the bites.

Most bites will heal on their own without scarring, provided they aren't scratched excessively.

Contact Advanced Bed Bug Preparation Today!

Don't let bed bugs disturb your peace of mind. Contact Advanced Bed Bug Preparation for professional inspection and treatment services! Our experienced team provides consultations, bed bug preparation services, restoration services (following the bed bug extermination), and eviction cleanouts. Find out more about our process here.

Our bed bug preparation experts are ready to help you eliminate bed bugs and prevent future infestations! Here are 11 ways to help prevent bed bugs from invading your space. We provide services to Oshkosh, Fond Du Lac, Sheboygan, Appleton, Green Bay, and Northeast Wisconsin.


How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?


What Do Bed Bugs Look Like & Signs To Watch For